TEDx Talks Highlighting Jacob Barnett

Communitas is a nonprofit that provides Direct Support Professional assistance in Poulsbo, Silverdale, Bremerton, and Port Orchard for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities.


Today we want to highlight one amazing individual.  His name is Jacob Barnett, and he was born with Autism.  Jacob was thought that he would never speak or learn anything, and was placed into Special Education classes in school.  Jacob ended up teaching himself all of high school and first year undergrad math in 2 weeks and was accepted into college at the age of 10.  Before he was even accepted into the college, while playing with shapes, he built a mathematical model that expanded upon Einstein’s field of relativity.  A professor at Princeton reviewed his work and confirmed that it was groundbreaking and could someday result in a Nobel Prize.


Jacob’s current work aims to help improve the way light travels in technology.  He also is writing a book to help end “math phobia” in his generation.


Jacob believes people need to transition from learning, to thinking, then to creating.  More people need to stop book learning, and find what you want to do most.  Think about the field you want to be in, and maybe you can create something.


For more information, please watch this amazing Tedx Talks Video: https://youtu.be/Uq-FOOQ1TpE


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