July 1st is International Joke Day!

Communitas logo with stars and stripes like American Flag Happy International Joke Day with laughing and crying smiley face

Communitas is a nonprofit that provides Direct Support Professional assistance in Poulsbo, Silverdale, Bremerton, and Port Orchard for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities.


In recognition of International Joke Day, here are 10 jokes that are available in the public domain.


Scroll down to see the answers to these jokes! :)




01. What do you call a joke that isn’t funny?


02. Why are construction workers great at parties?


03. Why are fewer people going into archeology?


04. Why are chemists great at solving problems?


05. Why don’t scientists trust atoms?


06. How does NASA organize a party?


07. What does a mathematician say when something goes wrong?


08. What did one ocean say to the other?


09. Why did the can crusher quit his job?


10. What did the full glass say to the empty glass?




01. A sentence.


02. They always raise the roof.


03. Career advancement is in ruins.


04. Because they have all the solutions!


05. They make up everything.


06. They planet.


07. Figures!


08. Nothing, they just waved.


09. Because it was soda pressing.


10. “You look drunk.”


Happy 4th of July!


June 29th is World Scleroderma Day!